Solar Ovens-Part 4


The last lesson is a fun project to see how successfully each student’s personal oven designs can cook a familiar food such as chocolate chip cookies. It can be set up quickly and then students can go to other lessons. Below is a recipe for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies that was adapted to use a pasteurized egg substitute product.


A sunny day with minimal clouds is optimum.

  • Previous products for any possible repairs or small-scale adaptations: Shoeboxes with lid, aluminum foil (heavy duty and regular), plastic wrap, tape, stapler, scissors, black construction paper, newspaper, toothpicks, straight pin or push pin
  • Prepare Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookie dough in advance. Recipe on next page.


  1. Reviewed the back page of the handout with the most efficient cooking factors and talked about previous results of apple experiment.
  2. Have students make only quick repair to their ovens and set up in the sunlight. Provide them with their own ball of dough and have them decide what to do with it (i.e. keep it big or break it into smaller pieces).
  3. Move ovens periodically and keep in sunlight approximately 5-6 hours. Meanwhile, do a different lesson.