About the author

Dr. Leigh Stevens, DVM, has been called a "Renaissance Woman" by her colleagues because she knows a little bit about a lot of things. She has a degree in Biology from UC San Diego and trained at UC Davis as a veterinarian. Ever the perpetual student--which one has to become when you have to know a little about a dozen species--she avidly reads books about history, science magazines, and even learned all about weightlifting when she started going to the gym with her husband. Kids came along and she found herself in Parent-Participation Preschool and Elementary School Programs and discovered that, strangely enough, she enjoyed teaching. Only later did she recognize that educating pet owners was a crucial to her practice as a veterinarian.

At the Elementary School, a teacher asked her to do "Cooking" as her classroom job and thus "Culinary Enrichment" was born. Currently, Leigh's hobbies include eating, reading young adult novels that she can share with her children, and finding books about the history of food. She loves to exercise and enjoys slow trail runs. Her passion is taking 3 recipes and combining them into one that's even better. In August 2012, Leigh earned her first degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and is still taking classes. Her latest endeavor is taking English horseback riding lessons and reading books about riding technique.

Contact her at leighstevens7@gmail.com